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Sorted by first line of lyric AND title, with title in italics.
Last updated: 2. March 2001
A - B | C - F | G - I | J - M | N - R | S - T | U - Z |
Ca' the yowes to the knowes - Melody
Caber Feidh - Melody
Caismeachd Chloinn Chamshroin - Melody
Caledonia - Melody
Caledonia! thou land of the mountain and rock - Melody
Call Jehovah thy salvation - Melody
Caller Herrin' - Melody
Callin' Mo Ruinsa - Melody
Cam Ye O'er Frae France? Cam y'doon by Lunnon? - Melody
Cameronian Rant - Melody
Can Ye Sew Cushions? - Melody
Canst thou leave me thus, my Katie? - Melody
Captain O'Kean - Melody
Captain White - Melody
Captain's Lady, The - Melody
Captive Ribband, The - Melody
Cardin O't, The Spinnin O't, The - Melody
Carle, an the King come - Melody
Carle of Killyburn Braes - Melody
Cauld blaws the wind frae east to west / Up in the Morning Early - Melody
Cauld Frosty Morning - Melody
Cauld is the e'enin blast / Bonie Peg-a-Ramsay - Melody
Cauld Kail in Aberdeen and castocks in Strabogie - Melody
Cauld winter was howlin' o'er moor and o'er mountain / The Road and the Miles to Dundee - Melody
Chan 'eil oganach treun de chloinn Chamshroin gu leir / Caismeachd Chloinn Chamshroin - Melody
Charlie Is My Darling - Melody
Charming Month Of May, The - Melody
Charms Of Lovely Davies, The - Melody
Chevalier's Lament, The - Melody
Chill the wintry winds were blowing / The Wandering Bard - Melody
Circassian Circle, The - Melody
Clarinda, mistres of my soul - Melody
Clavers and his Highlandmen / The Battle Of Killie-Crankie - Melody
Clerk Saunders and may Margaret - Melody
Clerk's Twa Sons o' Oxenfoord - Melody
Clout the Cauldron - Melody
Clucking Hen, The - Melody
Cock o' the North - Melody
Coggie, The - Melody
Coggie, Thou Heals Me - Melody
Coilsfield House - Melody
Colliers Dochter, The - Melody
Come a' ye tramps an' hawker lads / Tramps An' Hawkers - Melody
Come all ye jolly shepherds / When the Kye Comes Hame - Melody
Come All Ye Tramps and Hawkers - Melody
Come, let me take thee to my breast - Melody
Come now, gather now, here where the flowers grow! / The Roses of Prince Charlie - Melody
Come O'er the Stream Charlie - Melody
Come rede me dame, come tell me, dame / Nine Inch Will Please a Lady - Melody
Come to Calvary's holy mountain - Melody
Come ye maids, wives, and widows / Bonnie Light Horseman - Melody
Comin' Thro' The Rye - Melody
Companion of my youthful sports - Melody
Contented wi' little, and cantie wi' mair - Melody
Cooper O' Cuddy, The - Melody
Cope sent a challenge from Dunbar / Johnnie Cope - Melody
Coulter's Candy - Melody
Country Lassie - Melody
County Meeting, The - Melody
Craigieburn Wood - Melody
Crossing the Minch - Melody
Crowdie Ever Mair - Melody
Cruel Mother, The - Melody
Cuillins Of Home, The - Melody
Dainty Davie - Melody
Damon And Sylvia - Melody
Dance to your daddy - Melody
Dancing In Kyle - Melody
Dark Isle, The - Melody
Day Returns - Melody
De'il's Awa Wi' Th' Exciseman, The - Melody
Dean Of Faculty, The - Melody
Dear Highland Laddie, O, The - Melody
Dear Judy, when first we got married / The Irish Farmer - Melody
Dear Myra, the captive ribband's mine / The Captive Ribband - Melody
Defeat, The - Melody
Deluded swain, the pleasure - Melody
Despairing Mary - Melody
Deuks Dang O'er My Daddie, The - Melody
Devil Among The Tailors, The - Melody
Dickie Macphalion - Melody
Dire was the hate at old Harlaw / The Dean Of Faculty - Melody
Dirge of Carolan, The - Melody
Does haughty Gaul invasion threat? - Melody
Donald's gane up the hill hard and hungry / Donald MacGillavry - Melody
Donald MacGillavry - Melody
Donald, Where's Your Trousers? - Melody
Doon yonder den lives a plooboy lad / Plooboy Laddies - Melody
Dorothy sits i' the cauld ingle neuk / Coggie, Thou Heals Me - Melody
Douglas Tragedy, The - Melody
Down by yon garden green / The Laird Of Waristoun - Melody
Down Deeside cam Inveraye / Gordon Of Brackleyn - Melody
Down The Burn, Davie - Melody
Dream Valley of Glendaruel, The - Melody
Drunken Piper, The - Melody
Duke of Athol - Melody
Dumbarton's Drums, they sound so bonnie - Melody
Duncan Davison - Melody
Duncan Gray - Melody
Duntroon - Melody
Dusty Miller, The - Melody
Edom O' Gordon - Melody
Edward, Edward - Melody
Election Ballad For Westerha' - Melody
Election Day - Melody
Ellen More - Melody
Encircl'd in a cloud of smoke / The Baccahanalians - Melody
End of the Road, The - Melody
Eppie MacNab - Melody
Eriskay Love Lilt - Melody
Ev'ry road thro' life is a long, long road / The End of the Road - Melody
Fair Annie - Melody
Fair Fa' The Minstrel - Melody
Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face / To A Haggis / Address to a Haggis - Melody
Fair is the morn in flow'ry May / Bonnie Lass O'Ballochmyle - Melody
Fair Mary of Wallington - Melody
Fair Peggy - Melody
Fairest maid on Devon banks - Melody
Fall Of The Leaf, The - Melody
Fallen Hero - Melody
False Bride, The - Melody
False Sir John a wooing came / May Colven - Melody
Far lone amang the Highland hills / The Lass o' Arranteenie - Melody
Far over yon hills of the heather so green / Flora Macdonald's Lament - Melody
Fare thee weel, you dungeons dark and strong / MacPhersons Lament - Melody
Fare ye weel ye Mormond Braes - Melody
Farewell - Melody
Farewell, The - Melody
Fareweel, Edinburgh, where happy we hae been - Melody
Fareweel to a' our Scottish fame, fareweel our ancient glory / A Parcel of Rogues In A Nation - Melody
Farewell, thou fair day, thou green earth / The Song Of Death - Melody
Farewell, thou stream that winding flows - Melody
Farewell To Ballochmyle - Melody
Farewell To The Banks Of Ayr - Melody
Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North / My Heart's In The Highlands - Melody
Farewell To Tarwathie, adieu Mormond Hill - Melody
Fear A' Bhàta - Melody
Fennario - Melody
Fete Champetre - Melody
Fiddle Faddle - Melody
Fields O Bannockburn - Melody
Fill, fill tine merry bowl / An Anacreontic - Melody
Fill thou my life, O Lord my God - Melody
Fin I was aff to leave the ploo / Ma Big Kilmarnock Bunnet - Melody
Findlay - Melody
First when Maggie was my care / Whistle O'er the Lave O't - Melody
Five Carlins, The - Melody
Five Friends, The - Melody
Flodden Field - Melody
Flora Macdonald's Lament - Melody
Flow Gently, Sweet Afton, amang thy green braes - Melody
Flower O'Scotland - Melody
Flower of Levern Side, The - Melody
Flowers of the Forest, The - Melody
Flowery Banks Of Cree, The - Melody
Fly we to some desert isle - Melody
For A' That - Melody
For a' that, an a' that / The Bard - Melody
For fame and for fortune I wandered the earth / These Are My Mountains - Melody
For the deidly wars are passed and gane - Melody
For The Sake O' Somebody - Melody
For thee is laughing Nature gay / Go On, Sweet Bird, And Sooth My Care - Melody
Forever with the Lord - Melody
Forlorn, my Love, no comfort near - Melody
Fortune, frowning most severe / Bonny Winsome Mary - Melody
Foul fa' the breast first treason bred in! / The Ballad of Hobie Noble - Melody
Four and twenty bonny boys / Little Sir Hugh - Melody
Four Marys, The - Melody
Frae Dunidier as I cam throuch / The Battle of Harlaw - Melody
Frae the friends and land I love - Melody
From hill to hill the bugles sound / The Defeat - Melody
From John O' Groats to Maidenkirk / The Lady of Kenmure - Melody
From the rude bustling camp - Melody
From thee, Eliza, I must go - Melody
Fulness of Jesus, The - Melody
Fy, let us a' to Kirkcudbright / Election Day - Melody