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Sorted by first line of lyric AND title, with title in italics.
Last updated: 2. March 2001
A - B | C - F | G - I | J - M | N - R | S - T | U - Z |
Uist Tramping Song - Melody
Up and run awa', Hawley, up and run awa' / Battle O Falkirk - Melody
Up and Warn a' Willie - Melody
Up in the Morning Early - Melody
Up wi' the carles o' Dysart / Hey Ca' Thro' - Melody
Vair me o, ro van o / Eriskay Love Lilt or When I'm Lonely Dear White Heart - Melody
Wad Ye Do That? - Melody
Wae is my heart, and the tear's in my e'e / The Tear-Drop - Melody
Waly, Waly - Melody
Wandering Bard, The - Melody
Wandering Willie - Melody
Wantonness for ever mair - Melody
We are the Billy Boys - Melody
We Bid Thee Welcome in the Name - Melody
Weary fa' you, Duncan Gray! / Duncan Gray - Melody
Weary Pund O' Tow, The - Melody
Wee Cooper O'Fife, The - Melody
Wee Magic Stane, The - Melody
Wee Willie Gray, and his leather wallet - Melody
Weel, wha's in the bouroch / The Five Friends - Melody
We'll hide the Cooper behint the door / The Cooper O' Cuddy - Melody
We'll meet beside the dusky glen, on yon burn side / Yon Burn Side - Melody
We're all met t'gither here t'sit an' t'crack / The Work of the Weavers - Melody
We're geyly yet, we're geyly yet - Melody
Westlin Winds - Melody
Wha' is that at my bower door? / Findlay - Melody
Wha wad nae fecht for Charlie - Melody
Wha wadna be in love / Maggie Lauder - Melody
Wha will buy my troggin, fine election ware / The Trogger - Melody
Wha'll be King but Charlie? - Melody
Wha'll buy my caller herrin'? / Caller Herrin' - Melody
Whare are you gaun, my bonie lass / A Waukrife Minnie - Melody
Whare live ye, my bonie lass? / My Collier Laddie - Melody
What bluid's that on thy coat lap? / Son Davie! Son Davie! - Melody
What Can A Young Lassie Do Wi' An Auld Man - Melody
What can a young lassie, what shall a young lassie / What Can A Young Lassie Do Wi' An Auld Man - Melody
What Will I do gin my Hoggie Die? / My Hoggie - Melody
Whaur Card rins rowin' tae the sea / The Gallant Weaver - Melody
Whaur hae ye been sae braw, lad? / Killiecrankie - Melody
When gloaming treads the heels of day / Mine Ain Dear Somebody - Melody
When first I came to Stewart Kyle / The Mauchline Lady - Melody
When first my brave Johnie lad came to this town / Johnie Lad, Cock Up Your Beaver - Melody
When Guilford good our pilot stood / Ballad On The American War - Melody
When I was a child, a tiny wee child / Northern Lights of Old Aberdeen - Melody
When I'm Lonely Dear White Heart - Melody
When I've done my work of day / Loch Tay Boat Song - Melody
When Jockey first I saw / Jenney the Pedler / Amorous Jockey - Melody
When John and I were married - Melody
When o'er the hill the eastern star / I'll Meet Thee On The Lea Rig - Melody
When Poortith cauld, and sour Disdain / The Coggie - Melody
When Princes and Prelates / A Tippling Ballad - Melody
When Rosie was faithful, how happy was I! - Melody
When rosy May comes in wi' flowers / The Gard'ner Wi' His Paidle - Melody
When She Cam' Ben She Bobbed - Melody
When the Battle's O'er - Melody
When the Kye Comes Hame - Melody
When the sun has gone down / Dancing In Kyle - Melody
When we gaed to the braes o' Mar / Up and Warn a' Willie - Melody
When wild war's deadly blast was blawn / The Soldier's Return - Melody
Where are the joys I have met in the morning - Melody
Where, Braving Angry Winter's Storms - Melody
Where Helen Lies - Melody
Where primroses spring on the green tufted brae / Though Humble My Lot - Melody
Where the pools are bright and deep / A Boy's Song - Melody
While larks, with little wing / Phillis The Fair - Melody
While the grey-pinion'd lark early mounts to the skies - Melody
Whistle, The - Melody
Whistle, And I'll Come To You, My Lad - Melody
Whistle O'er the Lave O't - Melody
Whom will you send to London town / Ballads on Mr. Heron's Election, Ballad First - Melody
Why does your brand sae drop wi' blude / Edward, Edward - Melody
Why unite to banish Care? - Melody
Why weap ye by the tide, ladye? / Jock o' Hazeldean - Melody
Why, why tell thy lover - Melody
Wi' a hundred pipers, a' a', an' a' / One Hundred Pipers - Melody
Wi' braw new branks in mickle pride / Willie Chalmers - Melody
Wild drives the bitter northern blast - Melody
Wild Mountain Thyme, The - Melody
Will ye gang o'er the ley-rigg The Ley-Rigg - Melody
Will Ye Go, Lassie? - Melody
Will ye go to Flanders, my Mally-O? - Melody
Will ye go to the Hielands, Leezie Lindsay / Leezie Lindsay - Melody
Will ye go to the Indies, my Mary - Melody
Will Ye No Come Back Again? - Melody
Will you come to the board I've prepared for you? / The Highlander's Invitation - Melody
Willie Brew'd A Peck O' Maut - Melody
Willie Chalmers - Melody
Willie O'Winsbury - Melody
Willie Wastle dwalt on Tweed / Sic A Wife As Willie Had - Melody
Wilt thou be my Dearie? - Melody
Winter Of Life, The - Melody
With waefu' heart, and sorrowing e'e - Melody
Woman to Her Husband Killed at Culloden, A - Melody
Work of the Weavers, The - Melody
Worn Soldier, The - Melody
Wren Song, The - Melody
Wren's Nest, The - Melody
Ye Banks and Braes o' bonnie Doon / Bonnie Doon - Melody
Ye banks, and braes, and streams around / Highland Mary - Melody
Ye Dear Romantic Shades - Melody
Ye echoes that ring round the woods of Bowgreen - Melody
Ye friendly stars that rule the night - Melody
Ye Gales that gently wave the Sea / The Generous Lassie - Melody
Ye gallants bright, I red you right / Beware O'Bonie Ann - Melody
Ye Hielan's an' ye Lowlan's / The Bonnie Earl Of Moray - Melody
Ye Jacobites by Name, lend an ear - Melody
Ye maids of green Erin, why sigh ye so sad? / The Dirge of Carolan - Melody
Ye sons of old Killie, assembled by Willie / Masonic Song - Melody
Ye sunny braes that skirt the Clyde / The Flower of Levern Side - Melody
Ye wooer lads wha greet an' grane - Melody
Ye'll a' hae heard tell o' Rab Roryson's bonnet / Rab Roryson's Bonnet - Melody
Ye're welcome, leddies, ane and a' / The County Meeting - Melody
Yestreen I had a pint o' wine / The Gowden Locks Of Anna - Melody
Yon Burn Side - Melody
Yon poor Negro girl, an exotic plant / The Negro Girl - Melody
Yon wandering rill that marks the hill / Damon And Sylvia - Melody
Yon wild mossy mountains sae lofty and wide - Melody
Young Benjie - Melody
Young Highland Rover, The - Melody
Young Jamie, pride of a' the plain - Melody
Young Jockie was the blythest lad - Melody
Young Peggy blooms our boniest lass - Melody
Your friendship much can make me blest / Love In The Guise Of Friendship - Melody