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Sorted by first line of lyric AND title, with title in italics.
Last updated: 26. December 2000
A - B | C - F | G - I | J - M | N - R | S - T | U - Z |
Nae gentle dames, tho' e'er sae fair / My Highland Lassie, O - Melody
Nancy Whiskey - Melody
Negro Girl, The - Melody
News, Lassies, News - Melody
Nine Inch Will Please a Lady - Melody
Ninety and Nine, The - Melody
Nithsdale's Welcome Hame - Melody
No churchman am I for to rail and to write - Melody
No lark in transport mounts the sky / My Last Farewell to Stirling - Melody
Northern Lights of Old Aberdeen - Melody
Now let the procession move solemn and slow / The Soldier's Funeral - Melody
Not what these hands have done - Melody
Now balaloo, lammy, now baloo, my dear / Balaloo, Lammy - Melody
Now in her green mantle blythe Nature arrays / My Nanie's Awa - Melody
Now Liddisdale has ridden a raid / Jock O' the Side - Melody
Now rosy May comes in wi' flowers / Dainty Davie - Melody
Now spring has clad the grove in green - Melody
Now westlin winds and slaughtering guns / Westlin Winds - Melody
Now winter is gane and the clouds flee away - Melody
Now Winter, wi' his cloudy brow - Melody
O Alison Gross, that lives in yon tow'r / Alison Gross - Melody
O, an ye were dead, Guidman - Melody
O aye my wife she dang me - Melody
O bonie was yon rosy brier - Melody
O', cam ye here the fight to shun / The Battle of Sherra-moor - Melody
O can ye labour lea, young man - Melody
O, can ye sew cushions and can ye sew sheets? / Can Ye Sew Cushions? - Melody
O come all ye tramps and hawkers / Come All Ye Tramps and Hawkers - Melody
O could I fly like the green-coated fairy / Peggy O'Rafferty - Melody
O dear minny, what shall I do? - Melody
O Flower of Scotland / Flower O'Scotland - Melody
O For Ane An' Twenty, Tam - Melody
O gaily sings the lark / Uist Tramping Song - Melody
O gie my love brose, lasses / Gie My Love Brose - Melody
O gie the lass her fairin' lad / Gie the Lass Her Fairing - Melody
O gu sunndoch mi air m'astar / Bonaparte - Melody
O gude ale comes and gude ale goes / Gude Ale Keeps The Heart Aboon - Melody
O have ye na heard o the fause Sakelde? / Kinmont Willie - Melody
O how can I be blythe and glad / The Bonie Lad That's Far Awa - Melody
O how shall I, unskilfu', try / The Charms Of Lovely Davies - Melody
O, I am wat, wat / Aye Waukin' O! - Melody
O I forbid you, maidens a' /Tam Lin or Tamlane - Melody
O I will tell a tale of woe / Clerk's Twa Sons o' Oxenfoord - Melody
O John, come kiss me now, now, now / John Come Kiss Me Now - Melody
O ken ye what Meg o' the Mill has gotten / Meg O' The Mill - Melody
O Kenmure's On And Awa, Willie / Kenmure's Up and Awa' Willy - Melody
O ladies come listen to my sad lament / Bachelor's Lament / Tak' Pity on Me - Melody
O Lady Mary Ann looks O'er the castle wa' / Lady Mary Ann - Melody
O Lassie, are ye sleepin yet / O Let Me In Thes Ae Night - Melody
O Lassie, will ye tak' a man - Melody
O lay thy loof in mine, lass - Melody
O leeze me on his curly pow / Dainty Davie - Melody
O Leeze me on my spinnin' wheel / Bessy And Her Spinnin' Wheel - Melody
O Let Me In Thes Ae Night - Melody
O Logan, sweetly didst thou glide / Logan Water - Melody
O Logie O Buchan, O Logie the laird / Logie O'Buchan - Melody
O lovely Polly Stewart / Lovely Polly Stewart - Melody
O luve will venture in where it daur na weel be seen / The Posie - Melody
O, Mally's Meek - Melody
O Mary, at thy window be! / Mary Morison - Melody
O May she comes, and may she goes / The Bonny Hind - Melody
O may, thy morn was ne'er so sweet - Melody
O, meikle thinks my luve o' my beauty / My Tocher's the Jewel - Melody
O, merry hae I been teethin a heckle / Kissing my Kate - Melody
O Miorbhail gràis! nach breagh'an ceòl - Melody
O mirk, mirk is this midnight hour / Lord Gregory - Melody
O, mount and go / The Captain's Lady - Melody
O my Luve's like a red, red rose / Red, Red Rose - Melody
O noo I'm tired o my farm work - Melody
O, open the door, some pity to shew / Open The Door To Me, Oh - Melody
O Philly, happy be that day / Philly And Willy - Melody
O poortith cauld, and restless love / Poortith Cauld And Restless Love - Melody
O raging Fortune's withering blast / Raging Fortune - Melody
O, rattlin, roarin Willie / Rattlin', Roarin' Willie - Melody
O Rose the Red and White Lilly / Rose The Red And White Lily - Melody
O Row Thee in my Highland Plaid - Melody
O! rowan tree, o! rowan tree / The Rowan Tree - Melody
O sad and heavy, should I part / My Native Land Sae Far Awa - Melody
O Sair I rue the witless wish - Melody
O, saw ye bonie Lesley / Bonnie Lesley - Melody
O saw ye my Dear, my Philly? / Saw Ye My Dear, My Philly - Melody
O, saw ye my dearie, my Eppie Macnab? / Eppie MacNab - Melody
O Spirit of the living God - Melody
O stay, sweet warbling woodlark, stay / Address To The Woodlark - Melody
O steer her up, an' haud her gaun - Melody
O that I had ne'er been married / Crowdie Ever Mair - Melody
O that I were where Helen lies / Where Helen Lies - Melody
O That's The Lassie O' My Heart - Melody
O! the auld hoose, the auld hoose / The Auld Hoose - Melody
O, the Dean of Westminister was a powerful man / The Wee Magic Stane - Melody
O the summer time has come / The Wild Mountain Thyme - Melody
O there was a king, and a very great king / Lady Dysie - Melody
O there wis a weaver in the north / Gruel - Melody
O Tibbie, I Hae Seen The Day - Melody
O waly, waly, up the bank / Waly, Waly - Melody
O wat ye wha's in yon town - Melody
O wat ye wha that lo'es me / O That's The Lassie O' My Heart - Melody
O we were sisters seven, Maisry / Fair Mary of Wallington - Melody
O well's me o my gay goss-hawk / Gay Goshawk - Melody
O, were I on Parnassus hill - Melody
O were my love yon Lilac fair - Melody
O wert thou in the cauld blast - Melody
O wha my babie clouts will buy? / The Ranting Dog - Melody
O, wha will to Saint Stephen's House / Fete Champetre - Melody
O when she cam' ben she bobbed fu' law / When She Cam' Ben She Bobbed - Melody
O where hae ye been, Lord Ronald, my son? / Lord Ronald - Melody
O where have you been, Lord Randal, my son? / Lord Randal - Melody
O where, tell me where, is your Highland laddie gone? / Blue Bells of Scotland - Melody
O whistle, an' I'll come to ye, my lad / Whistle, And I'll Come To You, My Lad - Melody
O Willie brew'd a peck o' maut / Willie Brew'd A Peck O' Maut - Melody
O, wilt thou go wi' me, sweet Tibbie Dunbar? / Tibbie Dunbar - Melody
Och hey! Johnnie, lad - Melody
Of a' the airts the wind can blaw - Melody
Of all the lords in faire Scotland / The Heir Of Lynne - Melody
Of all the maids of fair Scotland / Young Benjie - Melody
Old Highland Laddie, The - Melody
Old Rustic Bridge, The - Melody
On a bank of flowers, in a summer day - Melody
On August twelfth fae Aiberdeen / The Lothian Hairst - Melody
On Cessnock banks a lassie dwells / The Lass of Cessnock Banks - Melody
On Chloris Being Ill - Melody
On New Year's eve in Glasgow town / Rothsay-O' - Melody
On the noble fleet of whalers out sailing from Dundee / The Balena - Melody
On The Seas And Far Away - Melody
Once I lov'd a bonie lass / Handsome Nell - Melody
One Hogmany at Glesca' Fair / Rothsay-O - Melody
One Hundred Pipers - Melody
One night as I did wander - Melody
One night in my youth as I rov'd with my merry pipe - Melody
Open The Door To Me, Oh - Melody
Orthodox! orthodox, who believe in John Knox / The Kirk Of Scotland's Alarm - Melody
Over hillways up and down / Mairi's Wedding - Melody
Our bonny Scotch lads, in their green tartan plaids - Melody
Our guidwife held o'er to Fife / Tail Toddle - Melody
Our heav'nly Father, hear - Melody
Our thrissles flourish'd fresh and fair / Awa' Whigs Awa' - Melody
Out over the Forth, I look to the North - Melody
Parcel of Rogues In A Nation, A - Melody
Peggy Alison - Melody
Peggy Bawn(e) - Melody
Peggy O'Rafferty - Melody
Phillis The Fair - Melody
Phillis The Queen O' The Fair - Melody
Philly And Willy - Melody
Pibroch of Donald Dhu - Melody
Piper of Dundee - Melody
Plooboy Laddies - Melody
Pleughman, The - Melody
Ploughman, The - Melody
Poor Tom, Fare Thee Well - Melody
Poortith Cauld And Restless Love - Melody
Posie, The - Melody
Pour out Thy Spirit from on high - Melody
Prayer is the soul's sincere desire - Melody
Pretty Peg - Melody
Pride of Scotland, The - Melody
Queen's Marie, The - Melody
Rab Roryson's Bonnet - Melody
Raging Fortune - Melody
Rantin', Rovin' Robin - Melody
Ranting Dog, The - Melody
Rap 'er t' bank, me canny lad! - Melody
Rattlin', Roarin' Willie - Melody
Raving Winds around her blowing - Melody
Red, Red Rose - Melody
Responsive, ye woods, wing your echoes along - Melody
Rhynie - Melody
Rigs O' Barley, The - Melody
Rippells, The - Melody
Rise up, rise up now, Lord Douglas / The Douglas Tragedy - Melody
Road and the Miles to Dundee, The - Melody
Road to the Isles, The - Melody
Roamin' in the Gloamin' - Melody
Rob Roy's from the highlands come - Melody
Robin Shure in Hairst - Melody
Rory Dall's Port - Melody
Rose The Red And White Lily - Melody
Roseberry to his Lady says / Supper isna Ready - Melody
Roses of Prince Charlie, The - Melody
Roslin Castle - Melody
Rothsay-O - Melody
Rothsay-O / The Tinker' Waddin' - Melody
Rowan Tree, The - Melody
Roy's Wife or Ruffian's Rant - Melody
Ruffian's Rant - Melody