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Folksongs, Hymns and Spirituals of America
Sorted by first line of lyric AND title, with title in italics.
Page last modified: 16. January 2001
A B | C D E | F G H | I J K | L M N | O P Q | R S | T U V | W X Y Z |
Ta-Ra-Ra-Ra-Boom-De-Ay - Melody
Take I pray thee this small locket / Give This to Mother - Melody
Take me back to Tulsa - Melody
Taps - Melody
Tare an' ages, ye spolpyeens bo asy / The Ghost of Mike Walsh - Melody
Tea For Two - Melody
Tell me, have you ever met her / The Spirit of My Song - Melody
Tell Me Now - Melody
Tell me the tales that to me were so dear / Long, Long Ago - Melody
Tell us not we will make blunders / The Rebel's Retort - Melody
Tennessee! Fire Away! - Melody
Tenting On the Old Campground - Melody
Texas Ranger War Song - Melody
Thank God, the sky is clearing / Our Boys Are Coming Home - Melody
That Seat of Science Athens / Liberty Song - Melody
That's Just So - Melody
That's What's the Matter - Melody
The army is gath'ring from near and from far / Marching Along - Melody
The ballroom was filled with fashions throng / A Bird In A Gilded Cage - Melody
The battleship at anchor lies / The Wreck of the Maine - Melody
The bluebird is singing his lay / Willie Has Gone to the War - Melody
The church of God is one - Melody
The day of our destiny was darkened / General Forrest, A Confederate - Melody
The despot's heel is on thy shore / Maryland, My Maryland - Melody
The dreams that charm'd me when a child / Dreams That Charm'ed Me When a Child - Melody
The Dutch came to Missouri / Root Abe, or Die - Melody
The flags are flying / We've a Million in the Field - Melody
The Girls about here, they think themselves wise / Wooden Breast Bone - Melody
The Glendy Burke is a mighty fast boat - Melody
The gloomy night before us flies / Jefferson and Liberty - Melody
The glorious gates of righteousness - Melody
The Gospel shows the Father's grace - Melody
The land of my home is flitting / Maggie By My Side - Melody
The Law of God is good and wise - Melody
The Maryland Boys are coming / Dedicated to the Baltimore Light Artillery, C. S. A. - Melody
The Mayflow'r, on New England's coast / The Pilgrim's Legacy - Melody
The morn of life is past / Old Dog Tray - Melody
The morning light is breaking - Melody
The night was mighty dark so you could hardly see / Shine On Harvest Moon - Melody
The Northmen Are Coming! - Melody
The office just had opened / He is Coming to Us Dead or The Express Office - Melody
The old home town looks so same / The Green, Green Grass of Home - Melody
The pride of the village and the fairest in the dell / Fairy Belle - Melody
The Rebel feet are on our shore / Maryland, my Maryland (Northern version) - Melody
The rover goes forth from his home far away / Our Sweethearts at Home - Melody
The shades of night were falling fast / The Upidee Song - Melody
The Ship That Never Returned - Melody
The southern boys may longer lie / Victory Won at Richmond - Melody
The Star-spangled Cross and the pure field of white - Melody
The sun shines bright in the old Kentucky home / My Old Kentucky Home - Melody
The troops from Rhode Island were posted along / Nine Miles to the Junction - Melody
The Union men have left the floor / To Sauerwein - Melody
The village bells are ringing / The Village Maiden - Melody
The war drum is beating, prepare for the fight / We Conquer or Die - Melody
The wild-dog sought his matted lair / Death of General Lyon - Melody
The wise may bring their learning - Melody
The wish, the all absorbing wish / I Wish the War Was O'er! - Melody
The Workers of the World are now awaking - Melody
The Workers on the S. P. Line / Casey Jones - The Union Scab - Melody
The years creep slowly by, Lorena / Lorena - Melody
There are five a-light before us / Another Star - Melody
There are ninety and nine that work and die / Ninety and Nine - Melody
There are Plenty of Fish in the Sea - Melody
There are thoughts which seem to come from heav'n / O Loving Heart, Trust On! - Melody
There are voices of hope that are borne on the air / Better Times Are Coming - Melody
There are women of many descriptions / The Rebel Girl - Melody
There is a bunch of honest workingmen / They Are All Fighters - Melody
There is a General in the West / Our German Volunteers - Melody
There is a man of noble heart / John Bell of Tennessee - Melody
There is a tavern in the town - Melody
There is an hour of peaceful rest - Melody
There Is Power in a Union - Melody
There shall be showers of blessing - Melody
There she is! There she is! / Ain't She Sweet - Melody
There was an old lady lived over the sea / Revolutionary Tea - Melody
There Was An Old Soldier - Melody
There's a feeling comes a-stealing / You're A Grand Old Flag - Melody
There's a fruit store on our street / Yes! We Have No Bananas - Melody
There's a Good Time Coming - Melody
There's a great day coming - Melody
There's a hole in the bucket, dear Liza - Melody
There's a house in Baltimore / Little Liza Jane - Melody
There's a land that is fairer than day / Sweet By and By - Melody
There's a Long, Long Trail - Melody
There's a low green valley by the old Kentucky shore / Darling Nelly Gray - Melody
There's a royal banner given for display / The Banner of the Cross - Melody
There's a spot that the soldiers all love / The Army Bean - Melody
There's a well beaten path in this old mountain side / Blue Ridge Cabin Home - Melody
There's a wound in my spirit / Annie My Own Love - Melody
There's a yellow rose of Texas / The Yellow Rose of Texas - Melody
They Are All Fighters - Melody
They were summoned from the hillside / Keep The Home Fires Burning - Melody
They've shot Joe Hill, his life has fled / November Nineteenth - Melody
This child we dedicate to Thee - Melody
This years crop of kisses / This Years Kisses - Melody
This Years Kisses - Melody
Thou Art the Queen of my Song - Melody
Thou art the Way; to Thee alone - Melody
Thou hast roam'd under summer skies / Mine is the Mourning Heart - Melody
Thou remainest, blest Redeemer - Melody
Thou who roll'st the year around - Melody
Thou wilt come no more / Gentle Annie - Melody
Though we're a band of prisoners / The Bonnie White Flag - Melody
Till The Boys Come Home - Melody
Tioga Waltz, The- Melody
'Tis of a Nobleman's daughter / The Nobleman's Daughter - Melody
'Tis of a rich Dutchman in Niew Yorick did live / Hans Un His Katarina - Melody
'Tis of a stately Southerner who flew the Stripes and Stars / Stately Southerner - Melody
'Tis old Stonewall, the Rebel, that leans on his sword / Riding a Raid - Melody
To Sauerwein - Melody
To Sheridan and Sherman, great merit is due / A New Song for Sherman & Sheridan - Melody
To the fair shores of Eden / The Bright Hills of Glory - Melody
Toast to Virginia - Melody
Tradesmen's Song - Melody
Tramp, The - Melody
Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! - Melody
Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! (Southern version) - Melody
Turkey in the Straw - Melody
Turn Not Away! - Melody
'Twas in the days of seventy-six / New York Volunteer - Melody
Two little children one morning / You Tell Me Your Dreams, I'll Tell You Mine - Melody
Two White Horses - Melody
Under the willow she's laid with care / Under the Willow She's Sleeping - Melody
Underground Railcar, The - Melody
Unreconstructed Rebel - Melody
Up from your knees, ye cringing serfmen! - Melody
Upidee Song, The - Melody
Vacant Chair, The - Melody
Vain Britons, boast no longer - Melody
Victory Won at Richmond - Melody
Village Bells, The - Melody
Village Maiden, The - Melody
Virginia Belle - Melody
Vive La Compagnie - Melody
Voice of By-gone Days, The - Melody
Voices that are Gone, The - Melody
Volunteers' Song - Melody
Vot vos you up to, Uncle Sam - Melody