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Folksongs, Hymns and Spirituals of America
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Page last modified: 8. February 2001
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5 Foot 2 (Eyes Of Blue) - Melody
A Bird In A Gilded Cage - Melody
A Cup Of Coffee, A Sandwich And You - Melody
A Dream - Melody
A. F. of L. Sympathy - Melody
A famous Rebel once was caught / How Are You? John Morgan - Melody
A farmer came to camp one day / Here's Your Mule - Melody
A farmer was ploughing his field one day / The Farmer's Curst Wife - Melody
A Funeral Hymn - Melody
A gang of good fellows are we / Hail! Hail! The Gang's All Here - Melody
A jolly boy's the lad I love / Champagne Charlie - Melody
A lady tossed her curls / There are Plenty of Fish in the Sea - Melody
A little girl with her father stayed / Don't Take My Papa Away From Me - Melody
A little maiden climbed an old man's knee / After the Ball - Melody
A Long Time Ago - Melody
A Mother's Hymn in Time of War - Melody
A New Song For Gen'l Grant! - Melody
A New Song for Sherman and Sheridan - Melody
A poor aviator lay dying - Melody
A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody - Melody
A Ring To The Name Of Rose - Melody
A-Smoking His Cigar - Melody
A Soldier in de Colored Brigade - Melody
A toast to Virginia, God bless her! / Toast to Virginia - Melody
A voice from the waves in the dead of night - Melody
A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord / He Hideth My Soul - Melody
Abe Lincoln Went to Washington - Melody
Abilene, Abilene, prettiest town I ever seen - Melody
Abolition Show, The - Melody
Abolitionist Hymn, The - Melody
Abraham's Daughter - Melody
After the Ball - Melody
After You Get What You Want, You Don't Want It - Melody
After You've Gone - Melody
Again, my social Friends, we meet / Tradesmen's Song - Melody
Agnes By The River - Melody
Ah, May the Red Rose Live Always - Melody
Ah! My Child! - Melody
Ah! my heart is weary waiting / Summer Longings - Melody
Ah! the voice of by gone days / The Voice of By-gone Days - Melody
Ain't Misbehavin' - Melody
Ain't She Sweet - Melody
Alexander's Ragtime Band - Melody
All beautiful the march of days, as seasons come and go - Melody
All Quiet Along the Potomac - Melody
All night, all day / Angels Watching Over Me - Melody
All you Southerners now draw near / The Battle of Shiloh - Melody
Always stand on the Union side - Melody
Amen, amen - Melody
America the Beautiful - Melody
American Hero, The - Melody
American Taxation - Melody
An awe-full mystery is here - Melody
An old Indian sat in his little canoe - Melody
Anchors Aweigh - Melody
And he kissed her on the face / Baltimore Shanty - Melody
And He'd Say Oo-La La! Wee-Wee - Melody
And I Ain't Going to Jump no More - Melody
Andy Veto never slept a wink last night - Melody
Angelina Baker - Melody
Angels Watching Over Me - Melody
Animal Fair, The - Melody
Annie My Own Love - Melody
Another Star - Melody
Are We Downhearted? No! No! No! - Melody
Are you poor, forlorn and hungry? / Dump the Bosses Off Your Back - Melody
Arise, you prisoners of starvation! - Melody
Arkansas Traveller, The - Melody
Army Bean, The - Melody
Army Bugs - Melody
Army Hymn, The - Melody
Army of the Free - Melody
Arrah! Molly darlin', I am drafted / Who Will Care for Micky Now? - Melody
As I read the letters you wrote to me / Faded Love - Melody
As I walked out in the streets of Laredo / The Cowboy's Lament - Melody
As I was a-goin' on down the road / Turkey in the Straw - Melody
As I was a-walking one morning for pleasure / Git Along, Little Dogies - Melody
As to kidnap the Congress has long been my aim / General Howe's Letter - Melody
As you've walked through the town on a fine summer's day / The Song Of All Songs - Melody
At Calvary - Melody
At Donelson the rebel horde / A-Smoking His Cigar - Melody
At his post, the "Little Major" / Little Major - Melody
At the Foot of Yonder Mountain there runs a clear stream - Melody
Aura Lea - Melody
Away Down Souf - Melody
Away down South in the land of traitors / Dixie (Union) - Melody
Baby Face - Melody
Babylon is Fallen - Melody
Ballin' The Jack - Melody
Baltimore Shanty - Melody
Banner of Labor, The - Melody
Banner of the Cross, The - Melody
Bark Gay Head, The - Melody
Basin Street Blues - Melody
Battle Cry of Freedom, The - Melody
Battle Cry of Freedom, The (Southern) - Melody
Battle Hymn of the Republic - Melody
Battle of Elkhorn Tavern, The - Melody
Battle of Jericho, The - Melody
Battle of Shiloh, The - Melody
Battle of Shiloh Hill - Melody
Battle of Vicksburg - Melody
Battle of Winchester - Melody
Battle Song of the Black Horsemen - Melody
Battleship of Maine - Melody
Be My Little Baby Bumblebee - Melody
Beautiful Child of Song - Melody
Beautiful Dreamer, wake unto me - Melody
Beautiful Ohio - Melody
Before the Lord we bow - Melody
Behold the brave son / General Johnston - Melody
Behold With Joy the peaceful state - Melody
Beloved, "It is well!" - Melody
Ben Bolt - Melody
Ben McCullough - Melody
Better Times Are Coming - Melody
Bicycle Built for Two - Melody
Bill Bailey - Melody
Billy Barlow - Melody
Bill Brown was a worker in a great big shop / A. F. of L. Sympathy - Melody
Black Republican bandits / Tennessee! Fire Away! - Melody
Blackbird blackbird singing the blues all day / Bye, Bye, Blackbird - Melody
Blanket Stiff, The - Melody
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! - Melody
Bloom bright fair flowers around the white stone / My Loved One and My Own - Eva - Melody
Blue Ridge Cabin Home - Melody
Bluebirds, linger here awhile / Eulalie - Melody
Bob Roebuck is my sweetheart's name / Southern Soldier Boy - Melody
Bombed last night, and bombed the night before - Melody
Bonehead Working Man, The - Melody
Bonnie Blue Flag - Melody
Bonnie White Flag, The - Melody
Booth Killed Lincoln - Melody
Boy tho' it's a fickle age / Ain't Misbehavin' - Melody
Boys just listen, while I sing / The Rebel Raid in Pennslyvania - Melody
Brass-Mounted Army, The - Melody
Bright Hills of Glory, The - Melody
Bring my brother back to me - Melody
Bring the good ol' Bugle boys / Marching Through Georgia - Melody
Bring the good old red book, boys / One Big Industrial Union - Melody
Bringing in the Sheaves - Melody
Bumm! Bumm!! Bumm!!! - Melody
Bunker Hill - Melody
Bury Me in the Morning, Mother - Melody
By sacred influence hurl'd / Masonic Song - Melody
By The Light Of The Silvery Moon - Melody
Bye, Bye, Blackbird - Melody