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Folksongs, Hymns and Spirituals of America
Sorted by first line of lyric AND title, with title in italics.
Page last modified: 16. January 2001
A B | C D E | F G H | I J K | L M N | O P Q | R S | T U V | W X Y Z |
Lakes Of Pontchartrain, The - Melody
Land of the Palmetto tree / South Carolina, A Patriotic Ode - Melody
Laura Lee - Melody
Lay me down where the grass is green, mother / Bury Me in the Morning, Mother - Melody
Lay up nearer, brother, nearer / The Dying Californian - Melody
Lazy Mary, will you get up? - Melody
Leave It There - Melody
Let ev'ry good fellow now fill up his glass / Vive La Compagnie - Melody
Let Me Call You Sweetheart - Melody
Let me relate to one and all / The Ocean Telegraph - Melody
Let me whisper in your ear, sir / The Officers of Dixie - Melody
Let tyrants shake their iron rod / Chester - Melody
Let us break bread together - Melody
Let us close our game of poker / Hard Tack - Melody
Let us live with a hope for a better day--Mary / Let Us Live With a Hope - Melody
Let us pause in life's pleasures and count its many tears / Hard Times Come Again No More - Melody
Liberty and Union Forever - Melody
Liberty Ball, The - Melody
Liberty Forever - Melody
Liberty Song - Melody
Liberty Song - Melody
Lily Of The West, The - Melody
Lily Ray - Melody
Lincoln and Liberty - Melody
Linda has Departed - Melody
Linger in blissful repose - Melody
Listen to me, honey dear / After You Get What You Want, You Don't Want It - Melody
Listen to the Mockingbird - Melody
Little Ballad Girl, The - Melody
Little Belle Blair - Melody
Little Brown Jug - Melody
Little Ella - Melody
Little Jennie Dow - Melody
Little Liza Jane - Melody
Little Major - Melody
Little Ol' Log Cabin in the Lane - Melody
Little voices laughing free / Where Has Lulu Gone? - Melody
Long-haired preachers come out every night / The Preacher and the Slave - Melody
Long, Long Ago - Melody
Long, long ago, someone I know / Beautiful Ohio - Melody
Long Time Ago - Melody
Long wave our proud Stars and Stripes of liberty / The Flag of the Republic - Melody
Look from Thy sphere of endless day - Melody
Lord from thy heavenly throne / God Help Kentucky! - Melody
Lord he thought he'd make a man / Dem Bones Gonna Rise Again - Melody
Lord Jesus Christ, we humbly pray - Melody
Lord, lead the way the Savior went - Melody
Lord Thomas was a gay forester / Lord Thomas and Fair Ellender, The Brown Girl, Fair Eleanor - Melody
Lorena - Melody
Loss of the U.S. Sloop of War Hornet!!! - Melody
Lost and Saved - Melody
Louisiana. A Patrotic Ode - Melody
Louisiana Belle - Melody
Louisiana! dear Pelican mother arise / Louisiana. A Patrotic Ode - Melody
Low Bridge, Everybody Down - Melody
Lubly Melinda, come now my dear / Melinda May - Melody
Lula Is Gone - Melody
Maggie By My Side - Melody
Mammy's little baby loves short'nin' / Short'nin Bread - Melody
Man of sorrows! what a name / Hallelujah, What a Saviour! - Melody
Man on the Flying Trapeze, The - Melody
Marching Along - Melody
Marching Through Georgia - Melody
Marching to Cuba - Melody
Marine Hymn - Melody
Mary loves the flowers - Melody
Maryland! Maryland! / The Call! - Melody
Maryland, My Maryland - Melody
Maryland, my Maryland (Northern version) - Melody
Masonic Song - Melody
Massa's In De Cold Ground - Melody
McKinley called for volunteers, then I got my gun / Battleship of Maine - Melody
Meet Me Tonight In Dreamland - Melody
Meet me tonight, lover, meet me / Moonlight / The Prisoner's Song - Melody
Melinda May - Melody
Merry Little Soldier, The - Melody
Merry, Merry Month of May, The - Melody
Michael Kelly with his sweetheart / Has Anybody Here Seen Kelly! - Melody
Michael row the boat ashore - Melody
'Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam / Home, Sweet Home - Melody
Mine eyes have seen the glory / Battle Hymn of the Republic - Melody
Mine heart ish proken into little pits / Corporal Schnapps - Melody
Mine is the Mourning Heart - Melody
Missouri Waltz - Melody
Molly dear, I cannot linger / Molly Dear, Good Night - Melody
Molly do you love me? - Melody
Moment by Moment - Melody
Monitor and Merrimac - Melody
Moonlight on the River Colorado - Melody
More than a child born in the hay - Melody
Mother, dear mother, 'tis sweet to know / Mother, Thou Art Faithful to Me - Melody
Mother, is the battle over? - Melody
Mother, Thou Art Faithful to Me - Melody
Mr. & Mrs. Brown - Melody
Mr. Block - Melody
Mr. Slave, Mr. Slave, listen to the call / The Bonehead Working Man - Melody
My Angel Boy, I Cannot See Thee Die - Melody
My angel boy, thou'rt nearing fast / My Angel Boy, I Cannot See Thee Die - Melody
My boy is coming from the war - Melody
My brave lad sleeps in his faded coat of blue / The Faded Coat of Blue - Melody
My Brudder Gum - Melody
My Country, ‘Tis of Thee - Melody
My dearest wife, my joy and life / Father Abney's Will - Melody
My faith looks up to Thee - Melody
My God! What Is All This For? - Melody
My grandfather's clock was too large for the shelf / Grandfather's Clock - Melody
My Hopes Have Departed Forever - Melody
My Lord what a mornin' - Melody
My Loved One and My Own - Melody
My Mammy - Melody
My Mother's Eyes - Melody
My name is Daniel Martin / The Battle of Elkhorn Tavern - Melody
My Old Kentucky Home - Melody
My Pretty Quadroon - Melody
My Sweetheart Went Down with the Maine - Melody
My true love is a soldier / He's Gone to the Arms of Abraham - Melody
My wife and I lived all alone / Little Brown Jug - Melody
My Wife is a most Known Woman - Melody
Moonlight - Melody
National Anthem, The - Melody
Near the broad Atlantic waters / Cora Dean - Melody
Near the lake where drooped the willow - Melody
Nell and I - Melody
Nelly Bly! Nelly Bly! Bring the broom along - Melody
Nelly Was a Lady - Melody
New Friends, True Friends - Melody
New Policeman, The - Melody
New-York 7th Regiment - Melody
New-York 12th Regiment - Melody
New York Volunteer - Melody
Nicodemus the slave, was of African birth / Wake Nicodemus - Melody
Nights are growing very lonely / There's a Long, Long Trail - Melody
Nine Miles to the Junction - Melody
Ninety and Nine - Melody
No home! no home on my weary way - Melody
No more auction block for me - Melody
No one to love in this beautiful world / Why, No One to Love? - Melody
Nobleman's Daughter, The - Melody
Nobly our Flag flutters o'er us to-day / The Flag of the Free - Melody
Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen - Melody
North Carolina A Call to Arms!!! - Melody
Northern Volunteers, The - Melody
Nothing between my soul and my Savior - Melody
Nothing but a Plain Old Soldier - Melody
November Nineteenth - Melody
Now listen all my shipmates / The R4D Cannonball Express - Melody
Now may our starry Banner / The Starry Banner - Melody
Now the shades of night are gone - Melody
Now to close this civil war / How to Close the War - Melody
Now won't you listen honey while I say / After You've Gone - Melody
Now, workingmen, you know you live a life of misery / The Road to Emancipation - Melody