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Folksongs, Hymns and Spirituals of America
Sorted by first line of lyric AND title, with title in italics.
Page last modified: 16. January 2001
A B | C D E | F G H | I J K | L M N | O P Q | R S | T U V | W X Y Z |
Faded Coat of Blue, The - Melody
Faded Love - Melody
Fairer than the golden morning / Virginia Belle - Melody
Fairer than the lily, sweeter than the rose / Lost and Saved - Melody
Fairy Belle - Melody
Farewell! mother dear, I go - Melody
Farewell, My Lilly Dear - Melody
Farewell! Old cottage - Melody
Farewell To Grogg - Melody
Farmer's Curst Wife, The - Melody
Father Abney's Will - Melody
Father and I went down to camp / Yankee Doodle or Return From Camp - Melody
Fellow workers, can't you hear / Everybody's Joining It - Melody
Fellow workers pay attention / Where the Fraser River Flows - Melody
Field of Antietam, The - Melody
Fifteen men on a dead man's chest Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum - Melody
Fifteen Miles on the Erie Canal - Melody
Fighting Joe Hooker - Melody
First Call - Melody
Five Foot Two (Eyes Of Blue) - Melody
Flag of Secession, The - Melody
Flag of the Free, The - Melody
Flag of the Republic, The - Melody
Flight of Doodles - Melody
Fling out the banner! - Melody
Folks in Georgia's 'bout to go insane / Ballin' The Jack - Melody
Fondly old memories recall round my heart / Old Memories - Melody
For Bales - Melody
For Dixie and Uncle Sam - Melody
For the Dear Old Flag I Die - Melody
For Thee Love, For Thee - Melody
Fort Sumpter - Melody
Fort Sumpter, Fort Sumpter is taken! / The Sword and the Red, White and Blue - Melody
Fort Sumter is fallen into the rebels' hands / First Call - Melody
Founded on Thee, our only Lord - Melody
Free America - Melody
Free Kansas!, free country - Melody
Freedom's Call - Melody
From beyond the wooded island / Stenka Razin - Melody
From the great Atlantic Ocean / Wabash Cannonball - Melody
From the Halls of Montezuma / Marine Hymn - Melody
From the wilds of the North / The Young Voyageur - Melody
From this valley they say you are going / The Red River Valley - Melody
Full many a sailor points with pride - Melody
Funeral Hymn - Melody
Gallant Twenty-Eighth, The - Melody
Gates Are Ever Open, The - Melody
Gay as a Lark in the sunshine of spring - Melody
Gee, but I'm lonesome / Somebody Stole My Gal - Melody
General Forrest, A Confederate - Melody
General Grant is the greatest man / A New Song For Gen'l Grant! - Melody
General Howe's Letter - Melody
General Johnston - Melody
Gentle Annie - Melody
Gentle Lena Clare - Melody
Get out the way for old Dan Tucker / Old Dan Tucker - Melody
Ghost of Mike Walsh, The - Melody
Gipsie's Warning, The - Melody
Girl I Left Behind Me, The - Melody
Git Along, Little Dogies - Melody
Give the Stranger Happy Cheer - Melody
Give This to Mother - Melody
Give Us A Flag - Melody
Give us back our old Commander - Melody
Give us one chance, t'is all we ask / Da Vis! - Melody
Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread - Melody
Go Down, Moses - Melody
Go Tell It On the Mountain - Melody
God bless America, land that I love - Melody
God Bless Our Brave Young Volunteers - Melody
God bless our native land! - Melody
God bless our noble army! / God Bless The Old Sixth Corps - Melody
God Bless The Old Sixth Corps - Melody
God Help Kentucky! - Melody
God help us now, as we bend low / A Funeral Hymn - Melody
God of the prophets, bless the prophet's sons - Melody
God protect our dear old flag - Melody
God save each Female's right / Rights of Woman - Melody
God save the Thirteen States! - Melody
Goin' to shout all over God's Heav'n / Heav'n Heav'n - Melody
Gone are the days when my heart was young and gay / Old Black Joe - Melody
Gone are the days, when the master class could say - Melody
Gone from my heart the world and all its charm / I Love Him - Melody
Goober Peas - Melody
Good-bye Broadway, Hello France! - Melody
Good-bye New York town, goodbye Miss Liberty / Good-bye Broadway, Hello France! - Melody
Good evening, kind friends / Billy Barlow - Melody
Grafted Into The Army - Melody
Grandfather's Clock - Melody
Great Baby Show, The - Melody
Green, Green Grass of Home, The - Melody
Green Grow The Lilacs - Melody
Greenfields - Melody
Hail Columbia, happy land! - Melody
Hail! Hail! The Gang's All Here - Melody
Hail! thou noble hearted lawyer / Chief Justice Taney - Melody
Hallelujah, What a Saviour! - Melody
Hans Un His Katarina - Melody
Hard Tack - Melody
Hard Times Come Again No More - Melody
Hark! the battle-cry is ringing! - Melody
Hark! the muffled drums are rolling / Battle of Winchester - Melody
Hark the song of freedom how it swells / God Bless Our Brave Young Volunteers - Melody
Hark! the voice of Jesus crying - Melody
Has Anybody Here Seen Kelly! - Melody
Have you any room for Jesus - Melody
Have you heard of a ship called the good / Reuben James - Melody
Have you seen the well to do? / Puttin' On The Ritz - Melody
He built the road / The Blanket Stiff - Melody
He Hideth My Soul - Melody
He is Coming to Us Dead - Melody
He'll come home, he'll not forget me / The Wife - Melody
He's Gone to the Arms of Abraham - Melody
He's got the whole world in His hands - Melody
Heart's Mission, The - Melody
Heav'n Heav'n - Melody
Here's a bumper, brave boys, to the health of our king / A Song - Melody
Here's success to port / Drink It Down - Melody
Here's Your Mule - Melody
Ho! Freedom's sons! come, list the cry / Richmond's European Vision - Melody
Ho! little girl, so dressed with care! / The Little Ballad Girl - Melody
Hog-Eye Man, The - Melody
Holiday Scottish, The - Melody
Home, by and by, when our duties are done - Melody
Home on the Range - Melody
Home, Sweet Home - Melody
Homespun Dress, The - Melody
Hope of the Ages, The - Melody
Hot Stuff - Melody
Hour For Thee and Me, The - Melody
How Are You? John Morgan - Melody
How dear to my heart are the scenes of my childhood / The Old Oaken Bucket - Melody
How sad was the hearts of the household / The Gates Are Ever Open - Melody
How tedious and tastless the hours / Greenfields - Melody
How to Close the War - Melody
How 'ya Gonna Keep'em Down on the Farm (After They've Seen Paree?) - Melody
Hurrah for the choice of the nation / Lincoln and Liberty - Melody
Hush-a-bye, ma baby, slumbertime is comin' soon / Missouri Waltz - Melody
Huzza my bonny Badger Boys / The Gallant Twenty-Eighth - Melody
Hymn For the National Funeral - Melody