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American Civil War Songs
Lieder aus dem amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg



Union, Confederate, and Popular Songs of the Civil War
Sorted by first line of song AND title. Titles appear in italics.
Nach Liedanfang und Titel geordnet.

Page last modified: 21. December 2000


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Land of the Palmetto tree / South Carolina, A Patriotic Ode - Melody
Let me whisper in your ear, sir / The Officers of Dixie - Melody
Let us close our game of poker / Hard Tack - Melody
Liberty and Union Forever - Melody
Liberty Ball, The - Melody
Lincoln and Liberty - Melody
Lincoln's wilde, schwarz-republikanische Jagd - Melody
Little Major - Melody
Long wave our proud Stars and Stripes of liberty / The Flag of the Republic - Melody
Lord from thy heavenly throne / God Help Kentucky! - Melody
Lorena - Melody
Louisiana. A Patrotic Ode - Melody
Louisiana! dear Pelican mother arise / Louisiana. A Patrotic Ode - Melody


Marching Along - Melody
Marching Through Georgia - Melody
Maryland! Maryland! / The Call! - Melody
Maryland, My Maryland - Melody
Maryland, my Maryland (Northern version) - Melody
Merry Little Soldier, The - Melody
Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam / Home, sweet Home! - Melody
Mine eyes have seen the glory / Battle Hymn of the Republic - Melody
Mine heart ish proken into little pits / Corporal Schnapps - Melody
Monitor and Merrimac - Melody
Morgenrot, Morgenrot, leuchtest mir zum frühen Tod? - Melodie
Mother, is the battle over? - Melody
My boy is coming from the war - Melody
My brave lad sleeps in his faded coat of blue / The Faded Coat of Blue - Melody
My God! What Is All This For? - Melody
My name is Daniel Martin / The Battle of Elkhorn Tavern - Melody
My Pretty Quadroon - Melody
My true love is a soldier / He's Gone to the Arms of Abraham - Melody


New-York 7th Regiment - Melody
New-York 12th Regiment - Melody
New York Volunteer - Melody
Nine Miles to the Junction - Melody
No more auction block for me - Melody
Nobly our Flag flutters o'er us to-day / The Flag of the Free - Melody
North Carolina A Call to Arms!!! - Melody
Northern Volunteers, The - Melody
Now may our starry Banner / The Starry Banner - Melody
Now to close this civil war / How to Close the War - Melody


O Columbia, Perle der Länder / Roth, Weiß, und Blau - Melody
O, Dixie the land of King Cotton - Melody
O, fighting Joe Hooker the brave / Fighting Joe Hooker - Melody
O, Fremont he told them when the war it first begun / Give Us A Flag - Melody
O haste on the battle, the sure coming battle - Melody
O have you heard of the brave old fellow / Ben McCullough - Melody
O, I wish I was in the land of cotton / Dixie Land - Melody
O! Kind folks listen to my song / Abraham's Daughter - Melody
O, Lord of Hosts! Almighty King! / The Army Hymn - Melody
O my God! what vengeful madness / My God! What Is All This For? - Melody
O! sagt könnt ihr seh'n in des Morgenroths Strahl / Star-Spangled Banner - Melodie
O, say can't you see by the dawn's early light / The Flag of Secession - Melody
O, the first from New York / New-York 7th Regiment - Melody
O the Girls of dear old Baltimore / The Baltimore Girls - Melody
O, there was an old soldier and he had a wooden leg / There Was An Old Soldier - Melody
O! Touch Not My Sister's Picture - Melody
O! we're de bully soldiers / Song of the First of Arkansas - Melody
O, whiskey is the monster / The Brass-Mounted Army - Melody
O, yes, I am a Southern girl / The Homespun Dress - Melody
Officers of Dixie, The - Melody
Old Abe Lincoln Came Out Of The Wilderness - Melody
Old Abe Lincoln keeps kicking up a fuss / Root Hog, or Die (Southern version) - Melody
Old Early camped at Fisher's Hill / Liberty and Union Forever - Melody
Old Uncle Abram wants us / A Soldier in de Colored Brigade - Melody
On Shiloh's dark and bloody ground / The Drummer Boy of Shiloh - Melody
On the bloody field of battle / O! Touch Not My Sister's Picture - Melody
On the field of Antietam / The Field of Antietam - Melody
On Vicksburg's globes and bloody ground / Battle of Vicksburg - Melody
Onward! onward! is the cry now / Volunteers' Song - Melody
Our Boys Are Coming Home - Melody
Our campfires shone bright on the mountains / Sherman's March to the Sea - Melody
Our flag is unfurled and our arms flash bright / The Young Volunteer - Melody
Our German Volunteers - Melody
Our Jimmy has gone for to live in a tent / Grafted Into The Army - Melody
Our knapsacks sling / We Are Marching On To Richmond - Melody
Our starry flag is at half mast / Death of Colonel Baker - Melody
Our Sweethearts at Home - Melody


Pat Murphy Of The Irish Brigade - Melody


Raise me in your arms, my brother / Write a Letter to My Mother - Melody
Rebel Raid in Pennslyvania, The - Melody
Rebel's Retort, The - Melody
Rest, noble Martyr! rest in peace / Funeral Hymn - Melody
Richmond is a Hard Road to Travel - Melody
Richmond's European Vision - Melody
Riding a Raid - Melody
Root Abe, or Die - Melody
Root, Hog, or Die - Melody
Root Hog, or Die (Southern version) - Melody
Roth, Weiß, und Blau - Melody


Said Beauregard, to Lee, and Jeff / Call 'Em Names, Jeff - Melody
Said Pat to his mother, It seems strange to see / Pat Murphy Of The Irish Brigade - Melody
Save the Union - Melody
Sherman's March to the Sea - Melody
Sister Carrie my dear / The Compromise Song - Melody
Sitting by the roadside on a summer day / Goober Peas - Melody
Soldier's Return, The - Melody
Soldier's Reveille, The - Melody
Soldiers sing of their beans and canteens / Army Bugs - Melody
Somebody's Darling - Melody
Song For the Union Soldiers - Melody
Song of the First of Arkansas - Melody
Sons of Columbia, your Country now calls you / Save the Union - Melody
South Carolina, A Patriotic Ode - Melody
Southern Girl's Reply, The - Melody
Southern Soldier Boy - Melody
Southern Wagon, The - Melody
Southern War Cry - Melody
Southrons, hear your country call you! / Dixie - Melody
Southrons to arms! / Freedom's Call - Melody
Speed our Republic, O Father on high / Keller's American Hymn - Melody
Stand up, stand up for Jesus - Melody
Starry Banner, The - Melody
Still upon the field of battle / Just After The Battle - Melody
Stonewall Jackson's Way - Melody
Stonewall's Requiem - Melody
Sword and the Red, White and Blue, The - Melody


Take I pray thee this small locket / Give This to Mother - Melody
Taps - Melody
Tell us not we will make blunders / The Rebel's Retort - Melody
Tennessee! Fire Away! - Melody
Tenting On the Old Campground - Melody
Thank God, the sky is clearing / Our Boys Are Coming Home - Melody
That's Just So - Melody
The army is gath'ring from near and from far / Marching Along - Melody
The day of our destiny was darkened / General Forrest, A Confederate - Melody
The despot's heel is on thy shore / Maryland, My Maryland - Melody
The Dutch came to Missouri / Root Abe, or Die - Melody
The flags are flying / We've a Million in the Field - Melody
The Maryland Boys are coming / Dedicated to the Baltimore Light Artillery, C. S. A. - Melody
The muffled drum is beating / Stonewall's Requiem - Melody
The Northmen Are Coming! - Melody
The office just had opened / He is Coming to Us Dead or The Express Office - Melody
The Rebel feet are on our shore / Maryland, my Maryland (Northern version) - Melody
The rover goes forth from his home far away / Our Sweethearts at Home - Melody
The shades of night were falling fast / The Upidee Song - Melody
The southern boys may longer lie / Victory Won at Richmond - Melody
The Star-spangled Cross and the pure field of white - Melody
The troops from Rhode Island were posted along / Nine Miles to the Junction - Melody
The Union men have left the floor / To Sauerwein - Melody
The war drum is beating, prepare for the fight / We Conquer or Die - Melody
The wild-dog sought his matted lair / Death of General Lyon - Melody
The wish, the all absorbing wish / I Wish the War Was O'er! - Melody
The years creep slowly by, Lorena / Lorena - Melody
There are voices of hope that are borne on the air / Better Times Are Coming - Melody
There is a General in the West / Our German Volunteers - Melody
There is a man of noble heart / John Bell of Tennessee - Melody
There's a low green valley by the old Kentucky shore / Darling Nelly Gray - Melody
There's a spot that the soldiers all love / The Army Bean - Melody
There's a yellow rose of Texas / The Yellow Rose of Texas - Melody
There Was An Old Soldier - Melody
Though we're a band of prisoners / The Bonnie White Flag - Melody
'Tis old Stonewall, the Rebel, that leans on his sword / Riding a Raid - Melody
To Sauerwein - Melody
To Sheridan and Sherman, great merit is due / A New Song for Sherman & Sheridan - Melody
Toast to Virginia - Melody
Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! - Melody
Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! (Southern version) - Melody
'Twas in the days of seventy-six / New York Volunteer - Melody


Upidee Song, The - Melody


Vacant Chair, The - Melody
Victory Won at Richmond - Melody
Volunteers' Song - Melody


Was glänzt dort von Vermont / Lincoln's wilde, schwarz-republikanische Jagd - Melody
Way down in old Varginni / We'll Fight For Uncle Abe - Melody
We all went down to New Orleans / For Bales - Melody
We are a band of brothers / Bonnie Blue Flag - Melody
We are coming, Father Abr'am - Melody
We Are Marching On To Richmond - Melody
We are marching to the field, boys, /The Battle Cry of Freedom (Southern) - Melody
We arm by thousands strong / The Northern Volunteers - Melody
We Conquer or Die - Melody
We have come from the brave Southwest / Battle Song of the Black Horsemen - Melody
We parted with a cheerful smile / The Soldier's Return - Melody
We shall meet, but we shall miss him / The Vacant Chair - Melody
Weeping, Sad and Lonely - Melody
We'll Fight For Uncle Abe - Melody
We're tenting tonight on the old campground / Tenting On the Old Campground - Melody
We've a Million in the Field - Melody
When I enlisted in the army / Down in Charleston Jail - Melody
When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again - Melody
When Rebellion first made its appearance / New-York 12th Regiment - Melody
When Sherman Marched Down to the Sea - Melody
When the dark cloud of rebellion / Dove of Peace - Melody
When This Dreadful War Is Ended - Melody
Where, where, where, and where / The Why And The Wherefore - Melody
Who Will Care for Micky Now? - Melody
Who shall rule this American nation? - Melody
Why am I so weak and weary? / Who Will Care For Mother Now? - Melody
Why And The Wherefore, The - Melody
Why is your forehead furrowed with care? / Call Me Not Back from the Echoless Shore - Melody
Wilkes Booth came to Washington / Booth Killed Lincoln - Melody
Wir kommen, Onkel Abraham / Der Sklaven-Ruf an Lincoln - Melody
Wir sind Deutsche und wir kämpfen - Melodie
With humble heart and drooping brow / Hymn For the National Funeral - Melody
Within the sound of the enemy's guns - Melody
Wohin, wohin, wohin und wohin / Das Warum und das Wofür - Melodie
Would you like to hear my song? I'm afraid it's rather long / Richmond is a Hard Road to Travel - Melody
Write a Letter to My Mother - Melody


Yankee Man-of-War, The - Melody
Ye defenders of the Union / Song For the Union Soldiers - Melody
Ye sons of Carolina! awake from your dreaming! / North Carolina A Call to Arms!!! - Melody
Yellow Rose of Texas, The - Melody
Yes, we'll rally round the flag, boys / The Battle Cry of Freedom - Melody
Young Volunteer, The - Melody

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