Union, Confederate, and Popular Songs of the Civil War
Sorted by first line of song AND title. Titles appear in italics.
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Page last modified: 21. December 2000
A - K | L - Z |
Land of the Palmetto tree / South Carolina, A Patriotic Ode - Melody
Let me whisper in your ear, sir / The Officers of Dixie - Melody
Let us close our game of poker / Hard Tack - Melody
Liberty and Union Forever - Melody
Liberty Ball, The - Melody
Lincoln and Liberty - Melody
Lincoln's wilde, schwarz-republikanische Jagd - Melody
Little Major - Melody
Long wave our proud Stars and Stripes of liberty / The Flag of the Republic - Melody
Lord from thy heavenly throne / God Help Kentucky! - Melody
Lorena - Melody
Louisiana. A Patrotic Ode - Melody
Louisiana! dear Pelican mother arise / Louisiana. A Patrotic Ode - Melody
Marching Along - Melody
Marching Through Georgia - Melody
Maryland! Maryland! / The Call! - Melody
Maryland, My Maryland - Melody
Maryland, my Maryland (Northern version) - Melody
Merry Little Soldier, The - Melody
Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam / Home, sweet Home! - Melody
Mine eyes have seen the glory / Battle Hymn of the Republic - Melody
Mine heart ish proken into little pits / Corporal Schnapps - Melody
Monitor and Merrimac - Melody
Morgenrot, Morgenrot, leuchtest mir zum frühen Tod? - Melodie
Mother, is the battle over? - Melody
My boy is coming from the war - Melody
My brave lad sleeps in his faded coat of blue / The Faded Coat of Blue - Melody
My God! What Is All This For? - Melody
My name is Daniel Martin / The Battle of Elkhorn Tavern - Melody
My Pretty Quadroon - Melody
My true love is a soldier / He's Gone to the Arms of Abraham - Melody
New-York 7th Regiment - Melody
New-York 12th Regiment - Melody
New York Volunteer - Melody
Nine Miles to the Junction - Melody
No more auction block for me - Melody
Nobly our Flag flutters o'er us to-day / The Flag of the Free - Melody
North Carolina A Call to Arms!!! - Melody
Northern Volunteers, The - Melody
Now may our starry Banner / The Starry Banner - Melody
Now to close this civil war / How to Close the War - Melody
O Columbia, Perle der Länder / Roth, Weiß, und Blau - Melody
O, Dixie the land of King Cotton - Melody
O, fighting Joe Hooker the brave / Fighting Joe Hooker - Melody
O, Fremont he told them when the war it first begun / Give Us A Flag - Melody
O haste on the battle, the sure coming battle - Melody
O have you heard of the brave old fellow / Ben McCullough - Melody
O, I wish I was in the land of cotton / Dixie Land - Melody
O! Kind folks listen to my song / Abraham's Daughter - Melody
O, Lord of Hosts! Almighty King! / The Army Hymn - Melody
O my God! what vengeful madness / My God! What Is All This For? - Melody
O! sagt könnt ihr seh'n in des Morgenroths Strahl / Star-Spangled Banner - Melodie
O, say can't you see by the dawn's early light / The Flag of Secession - Melody
O, the first from New York / New-York 7th Regiment - Melody
O the Girls of dear old Baltimore / The Baltimore Girls - Melody
O, there was an old soldier and he had a wooden leg / There Was An Old Soldier - Melody
O! Touch Not My Sister's Picture - Melody
O! we're de bully soldiers / Song of the First of Arkansas - Melody
O, whiskey is the monster / The Brass-Mounted Army - Melody
O, yes, I am a Southern girl / The Homespun Dress - Melody
Officers of Dixie, The - Melody
Old Abe Lincoln Came Out Of The Wilderness - Melody
Old Abe Lincoln keeps kicking up a fuss / Root Hog, or Die (Southern version) - Melody
Old Early camped at Fisher's Hill / Liberty and Union Forever - Melody
Old Uncle Abram wants us / A Soldier in de Colored Brigade - Melody
On Shiloh's dark and bloody ground / The Drummer Boy of Shiloh - Melody
On the bloody field of battle / O! Touch Not My Sister's Picture - Melody
On the field of Antietam / The Field of Antietam - Melody
On Vicksburg's globes and bloody ground / Battle of Vicksburg - Melody
Onward! onward! is the cry now / Volunteers' Song - Melody
Our Boys Are Coming Home - Melody
Our campfires shone bright on the mountains / Sherman's March to the Sea - Melody
Our flag is unfurled and our arms flash bright / The Young Volunteer - Melody
Our German Volunteers - Melody
Our Jimmy has gone for to live in a tent / Grafted Into The Army - Melody
Our knapsacks sling / We Are Marching On To Richmond - Melody
Our starry flag is at half mast / Death of Colonel Baker - Melody
Our Sweethearts at Home - Melody
Pat Murphy Of The Irish Brigade - Melody
Raise me in your arms, my brother / Write a Letter to My Mother - Melody
Rebel Raid in Pennslyvania, The - Melody
Rebel's Retort, The - Melody
Rest, noble Martyr! rest in peace / Funeral Hymn - Melody
Richmond is a Hard Road to Travel - Melody
Richmond's European Vision - Melody
Riding a Raid - Melody
Root Abe, or Die - Melody
Root, Hog, or Die - Melody
Root Hog, or Die (Southern version) - Melody
Roth, Weiß, und Blau - Melody
Said Beauregard, to Lee, and Jeff / Call 'Em Names, Jeff - Melody
Said Pat to his mother, It seems strange to see / Pat Murphy Of The Irish Brigade - Melody
Save the Union - Melody
Sherman's March to the Sea - Melody
Sister Carrie my dear / The Compromise Song - Melody
Sitting by the roadside on a summer day / Goober Peas - Melody
Soldier's Return, The - Melody
Soldier's Reveille, The - Melody
Soldiers sing of their beans and canteens / Army Bugs - Melody
Somebody's Darling - Melody
Song For the Union Soldiers - Melody
Song of the First of Arkansas - Melody
Sons of Columbia, your Country now calls you / Save the Union - Melody
South Carolina, A Patriotic Ode - Melody
Southern Girl's Reply, The - Melody
Southern Soldier Boy - Melody
Southern Wagon, The - Melody
Southern War Cry - Melody
Southrons, hear your country call you! / Dixie - Melody
Southrons to arms! / Freedom's Call - Melody
Speed our Republic, O Father on high / Keller's American Hymn - Melody
Stand up, stand up for Jesus - Melody
Starry Banner, The - Melody
Still upon the field of battle / Just After The Battle - Melody
Stonewall Jackson's Way - Melody
Stonewall's Requiem - Melody
Sword and the Red, White and Blue, The - Melody
Take I pray thee this small locket / Give This to Mother - Melody
Taps - Melody
Tell us not we will make blunders / The Rebel's Retort - Melody
Tennessee! Fire Away! - Melody
Tenting On the Old Campground - Melody
Thank God, the sky is clearing / Our Boys Are Coming Home - Melody
That's Just So - Melody
The army is gath'ring from near and from far / Marching Along - Melody
The day of our destiny was darkened / General Forrest, A Confederate - Melody
The despot's heel is on thy shore / Maryland, My Maryland - Melody
The Dutch came to Missouri / Root Abe, or Die - Melody
The flags are flying / We've a Million in the Field - Melody
The Maryland Boys are coming / Dedicated to the Baltimore Light Artillery, C. S. A. - Melody
The muffled drum is beating / Stonewall's Requiem - Melody
The Northmen Are Coming! - Melody
The office just had opened / He is Coming to Us Dead or The Express Office - Melody
The Rebel feet are on our shore / Maryland, my Maryland (Northern version) - Melody
The rover goes forth from his home far away / Our Sweethearts at Home - Melody
The shades of night were falling fast / The Upidee Song - Melody
The southern boys may longer lie / Victory Won at Richmond - Melody
The Star-spangled Cross and the pure field of white - Melody
The troops from Rhode Island were posted along / Nine Miles to the Junction - Melody
The Union men have left the floor / To Sauerwein - Melody
The war drum is beating, prepare for the fight / We Conquer or Die - Melody
The wild-dog sought his matted lair / Death of General Lyon - Melody
The wish, the all absorbing wish / I Wish the War Was O'er! - Melody
The years creep slowly by, Lorena / Lorena - Melody
There are voices of hope that are borne on the air / Better Times Are Coming - Melody
There is a General in the West / Our German Volunteers - Melody
There is a man of noble heart / John Bell of Tennessee - Melody
There's a low green valley by the old Kentucky shore / Darling Nelly Gray - Melody
There's a spot that the soldiers all love / The Army Bean - Melody
There's a yellow rose of Texas / The Yellow Rose of Texas - Melody
There Was An Old Soldier - Melody
Though we're a band of prisoners / The Bonnie White Flag - Melody
'Tis old Stonewall, the Rebel, that leans on his sword / Riding a Raid - Melody
To Sauerwein - Melody
To Sheridan and Sherman, great merit is due / A New Song for Sherman & Sheridan - Melody
Toast to Virginia - Melody
Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! - Melody
Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! (Southern version) - Melody
'Twas in the days of seventy-six / New York Volunteer - Melody
Upidee Song, The - Melody
Vacant Chair, The - Melody
Victory Won at Richmond - Melody
Volunteers' Song - Melody
Was glänzt dort von Vermont / Lincoln's wilde, schwarz-republikanische Jagd - Melody
Way down in old Varginni / We'll Fight For Uncle Abe - Melody
We all went down to New Orleans / For Bales - Melody
We are a band of brothers / Bonnie Blue Flag - Melody
We are coming, Father Abr'am - Melody
We Are Marching On To Richmond - Melody
We are marching to the field, boys, /The Battle Cry of Freedom (Southern) - Melody
We arm by thousands strong / The Northern Volunteers - Melody
We Conquer or Die - Melody
We have come from the brave Southwest / Battle Song of the Black Horsemen - Melody
We parted with a cheerful smile / The Soldier's Return - Melody
We shall meet, but we shall miss him / The Vacant Chair - Melody
Weeping, Sad and Lonely - Melody
We'll Fight For Uncle Abe - Melody
We're tenting tonight on the old campground / Tenting On the Old Campground - Melody
We've a Million in the Field - Melody
When I enlisted in the army / Down in Charleston Jail - Melody
When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again - Melody
When Rebellion first made its appearance / New-York 12th Regiment - Melody
When Sherman Marched Down to the Sea - Melody
When the dark cloud of rebellion / Dove of Peace - Melody
When This Dreadful War Is Ended - Melody
Where, where, where, and where / The Why And The Wherefore - Melody
Who Will Care for Micky Now? - Melody
Who shall rule this American nation? - Melody
Why am I so weak and weary? / Who Will Care For Mother Now? - Melody
Why And The Wherefore, The - Melody
Why is your forehead furrowed with care? / Call Me Not Back from the Echoless Shore - Melody
Wilkes Booth came to Washington / Booth Killed Lincoln - Melody
Wir kommen, Onkel Abraham / Der Sklaven-Ruf an Lincoln - Melody
Wir sind Deutsche und wir kämpfen - Melodie
With humble heart and drooping brow / Hymn For the National Funeral - Melody
Within the sound of the enemy's guns - Melody
Wohin, wohin, wohin und wohin / Das Warum und das Wofür - Melodie
Would you like to hear my song? I'm afraid it's rather long / Richmond is a Hard Road to Travel - Melody
Write a Letter to My Mother - Melody
Yankee Man-of-War, The - Melody
Ye defenders of the Union / Song For the Union Soldiers - Melody
Ye sons of Carolina! awake from your dreaming! / North Carolina A Call to Arms!!! - Melody
Yellow Rose of Texas, The - Melody
Yes, we'll rally round the flag, boys / The Battle Cry of Freedom - Melody
Young Volunteer, The - Melody