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American Civil War Songs
Lieder aus dem amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg



Union, Confederate, and Popular Songs of the Civil War
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A-Smoking His Cigar - Melody
A famous Rebel once was caught / How Are You? John Morgan - Melody
A farmer came to camp one day / Here's Your Mule - Melody
A New Song For Gen'l Grant! - Melody
A New Song for Sherman & Sheridan - Melody
A Soldier in de Colored Brigade - Melody
A toast to Virginia, God bless her! / Toast to Virginia - Melody
Abe Lincoln Went to Washington - Melody
Abraham's Daughter - Melody
All quiet along the Potomac tonight - Melody
All you Southerners now draw near / The Battle of Shiloh - Melody
Always stand on the Union side - Melody
Arbeiter-Marseillaise - Melodie
Army Bean, The - Melody
Army Bugs - Melody
Army Hymn, The - Melody
Army of the Free - Melody
Arrah! Molly darlin', I am drafted / Who Will Care for Micky Now? - Melody
At Donelson the rebel horde / A-Smoking His Cigar - Melody
At his post, the "Little Major" / Little Major - Melody
Away down South in the land of traitors / Union Dixie - Melody


Babylon is Fallen - Melody
Baltimore Girls, The - Melody
Battle Cry of Freedom, The - Melody
Battle Cry of Freedom, The (Southern) - Melody
Battle Hymn of the Republic, The - Melody
Battle of Elkhorn Tavern, The - Melody
Battle of Shiloh, The - Melody
Battle of Shiloh Hill - Melody
Battle of Vicksburg - Melody
Battle of Winchester - Melody
Battle Song of the Black Horsemen - Melody
Behold the brave son / General Johnston - Melody
Ben McCullough - Melody
Better Times Are Coming - Melody
Billy Barlow - Melody
Black Republican bandits / Tennessee! Fire Away! - Melody
Bob Roebuck is my sweetheart's name / Southern Soldier Boy - Melody
Bonnie Blue Flag - Melody
Bonnie White Flag, The - Melody
Booth Killed Lincoln - Melody
Boys just listen, while I sing / The Rebel Raid in Pennslyvania - Melody
Brass-Mounted Army, The - Melody
Bring my brother back to me - Melody
Bring the good ol' Bugle boys / Marching Through Georgia - Melody
Bumm! Bumm!! Bumm!!! - Melody


Call 'Em Names, Jeff - Melody
Call Me Not Back from the Echoless Shore - Melody
Call!, The - Melody
Christmas Bells - Melody
Clap Your Hands Till Daddy Comes Home - Melody
Come all my jolly seamen, likewise you landsmen too / The Cumberland and the Merrimac - Melody
Come all of you, true friends of the nation / The Liberty Ball - Melody
Come all ye sons of freedom / The Southern Wagon - Melody
Come all ye Southern Soldiers, come listen unto me - Melody
Come all you gallant soldiers, a story I will tell / Battle of Shiloh Hill - Melody
Come all you that hold true communion with southern Confederates bold / Kelly's Irish Brigade - Melody
Come, comrades, join the Reveille / The Soldier's Reveille - Melody
Come, messmates, pass the bottle 'round / Farewell To Grogg - Melody
Come now and gather round me / Fort Sumpter - Melody
Come raise me in your arms, dear brother - Melody
Come, stack arms, men, pile on the rails / Stonewall Jackson's Way - Melody
Compromise Song, The - Melody
Confession of a Rebel Prisoner, The - Melody
Corporal Schnapps - Melody
Countrymen of Washington! / Southern War Cry - Melody
Cumberland and the Merrimac, The - Melody


Da Vis! - Melody
Darling Nelly Gray - Melody
Das Warum und das Wofür - Melodie
Day is done / Taps - Melody
Dearest love do you remember / Weeping, Sad and Lonely - Melody
Death of Colonel Baker - Melody
Death of General Lyon - Melody
Dedicated to the Baltimore Light Artillery, C. S. A. - Melody
Der Sänger hält im Feld die Fahnenwacht - Melodie
Der Sklaven-Ruf an Lincoln - Melody
Dixie - Melody
Dixie Land - Melody
Dixie, (Union) - Melody
Do they miss me at home, do they miss me? - Melody
Do They Miss Me in the Trenches? - Melody
Don't you see the black clouds / Babylon is Fallen - Melody
Dove of Peace - Melody
Down in Charleston Jail - Melody
Down in yonder valley / The Yankee Man-of-War - Melody
Down-trodden, despised see brave Maryland lie / Down-Trodden Maryland - Melody
Down-Trodden Maryland - Melody
Drink It Down - Melody
Drummer Boy of Shiloh, The - Melody


Es ritten viel Reiter im County herum, juchhe / Bumm! Bumm!! Bumm!!! - Melody
Express Office, The - Melody


Faded Coat of Blue, The - Melody
Farewell To Grogg - Melody
Field of Antietam, The - Melody
Fighting Joe Hooker - Melody
Flag of Secession, The - Melody
Flag of the Free, The - Melody
Flag of the Republic, The - Melody
Flight of Doodles - Melody
For Bales - Melody
For the Dear Old Flag I Die - Melody
Fort Sumpter - Melody
Fort Sumpter, Fort Sumpter is taken! / The Sword and the Red, White and Blue - Melody
Fort Sumter ist gefallen - Melodie
Free Kansas, free country - Melody
Freedom's Call - Melody
Frisch auf zur Weise von Marseille / Arbeiter-Marseillaise - Melodie
Funeral Hymn - Melody


Gallant Twenty-Eighth, The - Melody
General Forrest, A Confederate - Melody
General Grant is the greatest man / A New Song For Gen'l Grant! - Melody
General Johnston - Melody
Give This to Mother - Melody
Give Us A Flag - Melody
Give us back our old Commander - Melody
Give us one chance, t'is all we ask / Da Vis! - Melody
God bless our noble army! / God Bless The Old Sixth Corps - Melody
God Bless The Old Sixth Corps - Melody
God Help Kentucky! - Melody
God protect our dear old flag - Melody
Goober Peas - Melody
Good evening, kind friends / Billy Barlow - Melody
Grafted Into The Army - Melody


Hard Tack - Melody
Hark! the muffled drums are rolling / Battle of Winchester - Melody
Hark the song of freedom how it swells / God Bless Our Brave Young Volunteers - Melody
He is Coming to Us Dead - Melody
He's Gone to the Arms of Abraham - Melody
Here's success to port / Drink It Down - Melody
Here's Your Mule - Melody
Ho! Freedom's sons! come, list the cry / Richmond's European Vision - Melody
Home, sweet Home! - Melody
Homespun Dress, The - Melody
How Are You? John Morgan - Melody
How to Close the War - Melody
Hurrah for the choice of the nation / Lincoln and Liberty - Melody
Huzza my bonny Badger Boys / The Gallant Twenty-Eighth - Melody
Hymn For the National Funeral - Melody


I cannot listen to your words / The Southern Girl's Reply - Melody
I come from Mannassas with a pocket full of fun / Flight of Doodles - Melody
I heard the bells on Christmas day / Christmas Bells - Melody
I want to be a soldier - Melody
I wanted much to go to war / The Invalid Corps - Melody
I Wish the War Was O'er! - Melody
I would not be a conscript a-hiding in the wood / I Would Not Be Alone - Melody
I'll be a sergeant, an orderly sergeant - Melody
I'll Be a Soldier - Melody
I'll never forget when we met / My Pretty Quadroon - Melody
I'm a darkey from the country, Oh! / Clap Your Hands Till Daddy Comes Home - Melody
I'm a merry little Soldier / The Merry Little Soldier - Melody
I'm going to sing a song / Monitor and Merrimac - Melody
I'm right from old Virginny / Root, Hog, or Die - Melody
In eighteen hundred and sixty one / Abe Lincoln Went to Washington - Melody
In the army of the Union / Army of the Free - Melody
In the prison cell I sit, thinking Mother, dear / Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! - Melody
In the prison cell I sit, thinking Mother, dear / Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! (Southern version) - Melody
Into the ward of the clean white-washed halls / Somebody's Darling - Melody
Invalid Corps, The - Melody
Invasion of Camp Jackson, The - Melody
It was on the Tenth of May / The Invasion of Camp Jackson - Melody


John Bell of Tennessee - Melody
John Brown's body lies a-mouldering in the grave - Melody
John Morgan's foot is on thy shore / Kentucky! O Kentucky! - Melody
Johnny is my darling - Melody
Just After The Battle - Melody
Just Before The Battle, Mother - Melody


Keller's American Hymn - Melody
Kelly's Irish Brigade - Melody
Kentucky! O Kentucky! - Melody

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